Non-Compliant Healthcare Provider Reporting Form
IOF members are encouraged to adhere to the best clinical, scientific and ethical standards. As an emerging specialty, the practice of interventional orthobiologics must ensure patient safety and evidence based care.
In an effort to promote responsible clinical practice, IOF has developed a tool for reporting healthcare providers who operate outside of established FDA regulatory guidelines or pose a risk to patient safety.
What constitutes “Non-Compliance”?
- Healthcare provider operates outside their scope of medical training.
- Healthcare provider makes unproven or fraudulent claims.
- Healthcare provider performs treatments which are not permitted by current FDA regulations.

If you wish to submit a complaint for non-compliant practitioner or practice please follow steps below:
Please note that we take privacy very seriously. All of your information will be protected and not shared when filing this report.

MD/DO: https://www.fsmb.org/contact-a-state-medical-board/
Physician Assistant: https://www.nccpa.net/stateboards
Nurse Practitioner: https://www.nursepractitionerschools.com/faq/how-does-np-practice-authority-vary-by-state/
Chiropractic: https://www.fclb.org/Boards.aspx
Naturopathic: https://www.naturopathic.org/regulated-states
3801 E. Florida Ave. #635
Denver, CO 80210
Phone & Fax
Phone: 303-469-4431
Fax: 303-479-2608
Biologics and interventional procedures are changing the way care is being delivered. With our courses that teach the newest techniques you can quickly become an expert in your field.
Contact Us
IOF Business Office:
4950 S. Yosemite St. F2 #313
Greenwood, CO 80111
Phone: 303-469-4431