Our Member of the Week blog introduces you to our fellow level members, showcasing their unique work and commitment to IOF. We feature different fellows who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of Interventional Orthopedics.

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Today we are excited to feature a letter from our featured IOF Member of the Week Charles Lee, MD.

Practice Website

Regenesis Stem Cell Center

About Dr. Charles Lee

Dr. Charles Lee of  Regenesis Stem Cell Center in Huntsville, AL is board certified in anesthesiology. He has completed all advanced IOF training courses, many more than once. In 2014, Dr. Lee transitioned his medical practice fully to regenerative medicine.

Read more about a phantom limb pain case Dr. Lee treated using an ultrasound-guided modified Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) at this link.  

What do we most frequently treat with regenerative medicine? 

I am Dr. Charles Lee, and my company is Regenesis, located in Huntsville, AL. I began my Regenerative Medicine journey in 2007 when an article piqued my interest in stem cell therapy. I pursued MMI’s Regenerative Medicine fellowship and followed it up with their stem cell therapies fellowship. These studies represent a great deal of time, travel and money. They gave me a strong understanding of regenerative medicine; however, they left me lacking musculoskeletal injection skills even as an anesthesiologist. I became obsessed once I found IOF and took their Intermediate Hip and Knee course. Subsequently, I have attended all of their advanced technique courses, some more than once.

Today I perform more knee bone marrow SCT and PRP than any other joint, followed by back injections. The advanced image-guided knee injection skills allow me to report that 30% of my patients get 90% or more significant improvements in joint pain and mobility; 50% get 80%, and 80% get 60% or greater. 

Our patient registry results are only possible due to the IOF’s advanced training. The other key to successful outcomes is grading patient candidacy, a skill learned thus far only through experience.

Happy trails,

Charles Lee, M.D.