IOF Member Of The Week: Dr. Christopher Rogers
We are leaving behind the cold weather in Colorado to head to sunny Southern California to introduce you to our next IOF Member of the Week, Dr. Christopher Rogers of San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group. Dr. Rogers serves on the IOF Ethics Committee and recently presented at #IOF2020 on Evidence Based Regenerative Medicine.
Dr. Rogers has been board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and fellowship trained in Interventional Spine care since 1997. He began his musculoskeletal ultrasound training in 2002 and Regenerative Medicine training in 2008. Dr. Rogers is co-founder of DataBiologics, a regenerative medicine registry and medical director for Personalized Stem Cells, Inc which studies adipose stem cells under FDA approved clinical trials. As founder of the San Diego Orthobiologics Medical Group he is committed to excellence in orthopedic medicine.

Connect with Dr. Rogers
Practice website:
IOF: What do you like best about the IOF conference?
Dr. Rogers: The IOF conference has a lot to offer physicians who are passionate about Regenerative Medicine; original scientific evidence, clinical practice pearls, and regulatory updates. But most of all, it’s a unique opportunity to meet the leaders in the field and catch up with old friends.
IOF: What is your best advice for physicians wanting to learn about regenerative medicine?
Dr. Rogers: Pursue excellence! Seek training in all aspects of orthopedics from experienced mentors. Attend meetings, such as IOF, to learn from those who apply their training, skills and experience to this field. Read every article and textbook you can get your hands on. Continue to develop your diagnostic and procedural skills. Never forget our main purpose is to serve our patients.
IOF: Where do you see the field of Regenerative Medicine in 5 years?
Dr. Rogers: Ten years ago, regenerative medicine was reserved for patients who had failed all other treatment options. Today it has become evident that it will become the standard of care for many aspects of orthopedic care: preventative, nonsurgical and surgical. The variety of orthobiologic treatment options will grow exponentially requiring better treatment protocol standardization, regulatory compliance and massive amounts of clinical research. New FDA approved treatments will become available, the necessity of certain surgical procedures will diminish as will the number of people who suffer from chronic orthopedic conditions.
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