Case Study:
Cervical Spine Fusion Treated with PRP
The Interventional Orthopedics Foundation is committed to serving as a resource for physicians pioneering the medical subspecialty of Interventional Orthopedics. In order to best help our members expand their knowledge about orthobiologic injections and procedures, we are excited to share case studies highlighting a wide variety of treatments and methodologies.
Submitting Doctor: Richard D. Striano D.C., RMSK
OptimumJoint Integrated Joint & Spine
Certified in Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Certified Diagnostic Orthopedic Ultrasound Alliance for Certification and Physician Advancement
Interventional Orthopedic Ultrasound Guidance
Faculty, OrthoSono Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound Physician Training
Member, Board of Directors, Interventional Orthopedic Foundation
Diagnostic & Interventional Ultrasound Guidance, Ambrose Cell Therapy, Plano Texas
Diagnostic & Interventional Ultrasound Guidance, RMI-International, San Jose, Costa Rica
Principal Investigator IRB Orthopedic Studies Optimum Joint
Orthopedic Research, Ambrose Cell Therapy
Orthopedic Research, RMI-International
Post failed cervical spine fusion treated with PRP X6 at two year follow up sustained improvement.
41 YO female slip and fall cervical spine injury 2015. 2 Years post surgery x-ray image attached. Following surgery pain worse, NPS 7-9/10 – 10/10, lost range of motion, function and quality of life having a new born as well. Surgeon said surgery is great, recommended go to pain management, Oxycontin 3 times per day.
Following diagnostic ultrasound that revealed abnormal facets and abnormal segmental spinal multifidus muscles with heterogeneous and hypoechoic pennate images as well as fatty atrophy at, above and below the surgical sites, ultrasound guided diagnostic injections of Lidocaine were administered to pinpoint pain generators.
Following the above, the patient was treated six times over a 4 month period by ultrasound image guided facet and multifidus muscle injections 1cc PRP at each level to the facets and multifidus from C2-C7 bilaterally.
At 2 years post treatment significant outcome where no other treatment options were recommended other other methods failed to provide adequate pain relief. ROM significant increase without pain at ends of motion, pain now 3-5/10.
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